Friday 5 April 2019

Getting to know each other

I am Bruno Lobo, I am 18 years old and the little son of my family. Actually, my family are made up of my mom, dad and big brother. My parents has been married for 20 years and they still being very happy together, and my brother, he is studying in the Universidad de Chile.

I was born in October second of 2000, in San José´s hospital. I always lived in Santiago, but I would know Europe, USA or Japan someday.

I studied in Liceo José Victorino Lastarria and now I am a mechon of Chemistry and Farmacy in Universidad de Chile, where I hope learn the necessary things for I want I will be in the future.

One of my hobbies is play violin, I learned to play violin when I was 14 years old, and I enter in Orquesta Juvenil de Providencia for 4 long years, where a lived the best moments of my life, playing concerts by Mozart, Bach and chilean authors. I like play videogames too, since I was a child, I always have a console (Nintendo normally). My favorite games are The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem and Super Smash Bros, where I interesting for the competitive area of Smash.

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