Friday 28 June 2019

About love, pets and friendship

The pets are the best and faithful friends, but for my part, I think that the dogs are the best partner and friends that one could have.

Along of my life, I have had five pets, all were dogs, today I have two of them though, and your names are Milo, a Maltese dog, and Lili, she is a Poodle. The first to reach in my family was Milo, in 2014 and was very funny how we met, one day, my family and I was walk for Alameda and suddenly, Milo, scared, he hides behind of my brother, because a dog chasing him. It was there when we decided adopt him.

With Lili the history was different, one night of 2018, in the dad's work, Lili arrive searching food, my father feels sad by her, because she was a puppy with no more than one years old, so he took her to our house.

At present, both are very happy with we, and they love play and run for all the house. In the nights, Milo always sleep in my bed with me (and always throw the sheets) and Lili with my parents.

I love my pets, because they always want to be with me and play or sleep, and that help me to not feel alone when I sad or I am alone in the house.


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