Sunday 21 July 2019

Our Amazing Human Body

For me, one of the most incredible organs of our body is the liver, since it has multiple functions that are vital for our life.

The liver is located in the upper right part of our abdomen, under the diaphragm, it has a triangular shape and weighs about 1.5 kilos.

As I said before, the liver is responsible for several tasks in our body, such as the segregation of bile that helps in the digestion of fat, it also stores vitamins and glycogen, and one of the most important for me, that cleans our blood of harmful substances.

Unfortunately, this organ is also a target of diseases such as hepatitis A, B and C, cirrhosis, hemochromatosis and even cancer. These diseases can affect the liver in different ways, such as change of color and odor in the urine and feces or swelling of the legs and abdomen.

To avoid these problems, it is important to keep our liver healthy. Some tips to have our liver healthy are to avoid alcohol intake. Another way is to have a healthy diet, since obesity is also a great factor to lead to liver problems. And finally, get vaccinated against hepatitis, which are diseases that can be spread in different ways (through blood or sex for example).

Friday 5 July 2019

An expert on your field

Louis Pasteur was a biologist, microbiologist and chemist, that was born in 1822, in Dole, France and he died in 1895. He discovered that organisms such as bacteria were responsible for souring wine, beer and even milk, the process is known as pasteurization. Also, he discovered too the vaccines, in 1879, which was the cure of chicken cholera, and others, such as anthrax, TB, smallpox and rabie

Louis Pasteur had been partially paralyzed since 1868, due to a severe brain stroke, but he was able to continue his research. In his 70th birthday, his paralysis worsened, and he died on September 28, 1895.

The reason why a admire him is because he dedicate his life to the study of bacteria, and thanks to that, he discovered the discovered the vaccines, which are one of the most important ways to prevent the most dangerous diseases. Other reason is that Pasteur having a critical illness, continuous his projects and research.

Friday 28 June 2019

About love, pets and friendship

The pets are the best and faithful friends, but for my part, I think that the dogs are the best partner and friends that one could have.

Along of my life, I have had five pets, all were dogs, today I have two of them though, and your names are Milo, a Maltese dog, and Lili, she is a Poodle. The first to reach in my family was Milo, in 2014 and was very funny how we met, one day, my family and I was walk for Alameda and suddenly, Milo, scared, he hides behind of my brother, because a dog chasing him. It was there when we decided adopt him.

With Lili the history was different, one night of 2018, in the dad's work, Lili arrive searching food, my father feels sad by her, because she was a puppy with no more than one years old, so he took her to our house.

At present, both are very happy with we, and they love play and run for all the house. In the nights, Milo always sleep in my bed with me (and always throw the sheets) and Lili with my parents.

I love my pets, because they always want to be with me and play or sleep, and that help me to not feel alone when I sad or I am alone in the house.

Monday 17 June 2019

The story of my favourite photograph

One of the photograph that most I like is of the puppy's of my female dog; Hulk, Iron, Thor and Gamora (my mom love the avengers) with two weeks of life, grouped on the bed. I love this photograph because the puppys looks very cute, trying walked on the bed, also this is a remember of them, since they aren't with us today.

This photograph was taked by me the last year, with my cellphone, around of november or december, when they are two weeks of life and they was learning to walk.

Two weeks after taking the photograph, my family and I gifted the puppys, because we couldn't keep them. This was very sadness for all my family. But no all is bad, we still have contact with two of them, Gamora and Thor; Gamora is now with a neighborn (but now she only barks me T_T) and Thor is with my uncle, and I can see daily and see his growth.

Friday 7 June 2019

My favourite book OR film

Personally, I don't like watch movies, but if I like read books, although I don't read too much them. My favorite books are the one that tells adventure stories, with fantastic creatures and epic heroes and greats battles, like "The Hobbit", which is my favorite book and of which I will speak in this blog.

The Hobbit is a book written by J.R.R. Tolkien, that set in a world with magic creatures, like elfs, trolls, dragons, gnomes, etc. Tells the story of a group of adventurers, compound for dwarfs and a hobbit, looking for the treasure of a dragon that sleeps into a volcano. In his adventure, they live a many situations, like fight versus trolls, or infiltrate in the elf's forests and also participating in a war between five army.

I read this book when I was 16 years old and I recommend it because counts it a great story, with epic battles and situations that will leave you in suspense and wanting to know what will happen.

Friday 31 May 2019

Your favorite piece of technology

In my life, I had many devices in my house; TV, computers, video game consoles and technology of everyday use. Of all that, my favorite device is the video game consoles, because I had when I was a child and I always play with my brother and cousins.

I had many consoles in my life, being the first the Nintendo 64, it was a gift of my uncles, when I am 6-7 years old. Also, my uncles give me four games, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora´s Mask (my favorite titles), Star Fox 64 and FIFA 96.

Normally, I played in the TV of my bedroom, because that TV had the best image´s quality in the house. I spent many hours of the day playing TLoZ alone or FIFA with my brother everyday, though later my hands hurt me because the controllers were uncomfortable and the buttons were very hards.

Unfortunate, in 2010, the console broke and we can´t repair it, so my parents brought me a Nintendo Wii, which gave us a lot of moments of entertainment with my brother, but unfortunate again, the console broke in 2014. After of that, we didn´t have any console until 2018, where we get a Nintendo Switch.

I like this consoles because thanks to them, I had many moments of entertainment with close persons and also I entered to a great community of video games, where is made events with tournaments, cosplays, etc.

If I did not have this, a part of my life would be lost, because thanks to them I can be in the community that I like, and be able to play with my friends.

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