Friday 31 May 2019

Your favorite piece of technology

In my life, I had many devices in my house; TV, computers, video game consoles and technology of everyday use. Of all that, my favorite device is the video game consoles, because I had when I was a child and I always play with my brother and cousins.

I had many consoles in my life, being the first the Nintendo 64, it was a gift of my uncles, when I am 6-7 years old. Also, my uncles give me four games, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora´s Mask (my favorite titles), Star Fox 64 and FIFA 96.

Normally, I played in the TV of my bedroom, because that TV had the best image´s quality in the house. I spent many hours of the day playing TLoZ alone or FIFA with my brother everyday, though later my hands hurt me because the controllers were uncomfortable and the buttons were very hards.

Unfortunate, in 2010, the console broke and we can´t repair it, so my parents brought me a Nintendo Wii, which gave us a lot of moments of entertainment with my brother, but unfortunate again, the console broke in 2014. After of that, we didn´t have any console until 2018, where we get a Nintendo Switch.

I like this consoles because thanks to them, I had many moments of entertainment with close persons and also I entered to a great community of video games, where is made events with tournaments, cosplays, etc.

If I did not have this, a part of my life would be lost, because thanks to them I can be in the community that I like, and be able to play with my friends.


  1. My first video game console was the playstation 2, but I would also like to have a Nintendo 64.

  2. really the console can entertain you for hours

  3. I also like to play video games, the game that I like the most is battlefield 4, the bad thing is that the subscription is expensive :(
    Let's play some day together!

  4. I like game consoles like that, but when you get obsessed with a game that you lose a lot of time in that


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