Friday 24 May 2019

Why did you choose your career?

Throughout my life I have always asked myself "what will I be when I grow up?", Getting many answers over the years, since as I grew and matured I no longer saw those trades in the same way.
When I was in primary school, the first job that caught my eye was a veterinarian (typical of any 6-8 year old child), since I loved animals and I liked the idea of ​​being able to work with them. I also thought about becoming a chef, because I liked cooking a lot and helping my mom make lunch for my family.
Already within the high school, I decided that I would become a scientist, a subject in which I developed better and I liked it a lot.
Having that in mind, I decided to study biochemistry, but unfortunately I could not enter and I had to choose chemistry and pharmacy.
My experience in these five weeks of university has been a great change for me compared to school, although that does not mean that they are not fun and satisfying, the classes have been very interesting (except for calculation).
What I have in mind for my future after graduating is to work in some pharmaceutical industry to make medicines and similar things.


  1. All classes are good except for calculus xD

  2. hahaha!, it is true that when you are a kid you want to be a veterinarian.


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